Jellycat Cordy Roy Baby Fox Jitter


Cordy Roy Baby Fox Jitter is full of giggles and ready to wriggle. This tawny tyke can’t wait to make friends with babies in buggies and tots in cots. Little paws can grab and tug to set him dancing a fox jitterbug! His orange-cream fur has terrific texture and he has stitched eyes for safety, so he’s great to snuggle as well!

Safety & Care

  • Tested to and passes the European Safety Standard for toys: EN71 parts 1, 2 & 3, for all ages.
  • Suitable from birth.
  • Sponge clean only; do not tumble dry, dry clean or iron. Not recommended to clean in a washing machine.
  • Check all labels upon arrival of purchase.

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Jellycat Cordy Roy Baby Fox Jitter
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